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Protecting Your Garden from Extreme Heat

We've been hearing a lot recently about parts of the United States experiencing extreme heat waves. The most important thing to do in a heatwave is, of course, make sure that you and your family are prepared.  But there are other things that are important to us including our pets, our homes, and of course our gardens.

Protecting gardens from extreme heat involves several strategies to ensure plants remain healthy and productive. One of the most effective methods is mulching. Applying a thick layer of organic mulch, such as straw, wood chips, or compost, around plants helps retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce weed growth. This creates a cooler microenvironment for plant roots, protecting them from the intense heat. Additionally, watering practices need adjustment; watering deeply and less frequently encourages plants to develop deep root systems, making them more drought-resistant. Early morning or late evening watering minimizes water loss due to evaporation and ensures that plants can absorb maximum moisture.

Another critical strategy is providing shade. Utilizing shade cloths, garden nets, or even temporary structures like umbrellas and tarps can significantly reduce heat stress on plants. For smaller plants, creating a shade cover using stakes and lightweight fabric can be effective. Additionally, planting heat-tolerant and drought-resistant plant varieties can ensure better survival during extreme heat conditions. These plants are naturally adapted to withstand high temperatures and require less water. Regularly monitoring and maintaining soil health with organic matter and ensuring proper plant spacing for adequate air circulation can also help mitigate the effects of extreme heat. By combining these strategies, gardeners can create a resilient garden that thrives even during the hottest days.